Friday, August 14, 2009

Our School Year So Far

I haven't done a good job of blogging about our school work so far, but as we get into a routine, I'm hopeful that I will also get into a school blogging routine.

In looking at where the children are in their Math progress, Jonathan and I realized that we need to play catch up. So this school year is going to be much more focused on Math than usual. Davey, Barak, Ellie, and Josiah will each be doing two lessons per day in their Ray's arithmetic. Katie is on track with her Ray's arithmetic, and will also be doing two math lessons each day, and working the Ray's work for third grade.

We started math the week of July 20th, and the children are getting the hang of it. We had some breaks in our schedule in July, but August so far as been steady at least 2 hours per day, 5 days per week. I expect that to continue.

Some special highlights from July:
Independence Day gave some good opportunities to discuss and learn about our founding fathers and the roots of the United States.
Our trip to the Creation Museum chalked up at least 8 hours of science learning, and during our time at Ozark Family Camp we were blessed with over 13 hours of great Bible teaching!